Pastor Angel M. Falcon
Founder and Senior Pastor

Pastor Falcon believes that the Father’s overall intent was not only to save us but to empower us by His Holy Spirit to be a light, impacting our generation and establishing His purpose here on earth today. Pastor Falcon has been actively working in the community since 1974, some 35 years and has dedicated his life to empowering the lost and broken through Biblical truths and principles. His mandate is to be relentless in “Pursuing His Purpose, Expanding His Kingdom, and Equipping His Saints”.
Pastor Falcon enjoys his home in Central Islip and is happily married to Lissette Falcon since September 2003. They were blessed with two additions to their family and now enjoy their youngest daughter, Karis (Grace) and Gabriel.

Pastor Falcon’s first memory of the call of God in his life was at the age of ten, while looking out his window, from their Bronx apartment, on December 1964. He was overwhelmed by what he saw; (the condition of the neighborhood, drunkenness, homelessness, individuals sleeping in alleyways with no direction; dirty and smelly). He remembers specifically how emotional he became and being naive at 10 years old, asked God to make him rich so that he could help clean these people up. Ten years later in May 1975, Pastor Falcon surrendered his life to God, and realized that what mankind really needed was to be “REDEEMED” by the Lord Jesus Christ. Since then he has never looked back and has been running this race of God’s high calling and looking to honor Him and serve Him wholeheartedly by serving those He loves.
“I have dedicated my life to the service of mankind,” – Rev. Angel M. Falcon